EVE Online vs. Elite Dangerous - Which Space MMO is Better?

May 25, 2021

EVE Online vs. Elite Dangerous - Which Space MMO is Better?

Greetings, space travelers! If you are looking for the ultimate space MMO experience, you are probably considering both EVE Online and Elite Dangerous. Both games have a lot to offer, from exploration and combat to trading and socializing. But which one is better? In this post, we'll compare EVE Online and Elite Dangerous in several categories and try to determine which one is worth your time and money.


When it comes to gameplay, EVE Online and Elite Dangerous offer different experiences. EVE Online focuses more on the economy and large-scale PvP battles, while Elite Dangerous is more focused on exploration and combat. EVE Online has a steep learning curve, and it takes time to get used to the complex mechanics and systems. Elite Dangerous, on the other hand, is more accessible and easier to learn, but it still offers plenty of depth.

Winner: Elite Dangerous

Graphics and Sound

Both games look and sound amazing, but Elite Dangerous has the edge in this category. Its graphics are more realistic and detailed, and the sound effects are more immersive. EVE Online's graphics, while impressive, are not as detailed, and the sound effects can be a bit repetitive.

Winner: Elite Dangerous


Both games have an active and passionate player base, but EVE Online has a more vibrant and tightly-knit community. The game encourages players to form alliances, corporations, and empires, and the social aspect is a big part of the gameplay. Elite Dangerous has a friendly and helpful community, but it's not as focused on player interactions.

Winner: EVE Online

Pricing Model

EVE Online has a subscription-based model, which can be a turn-off for some players. However, the base game is free to play, so you can try it out before committing to a subscription. Elite Dangerous, on the other hand, has a one-time purchase price, and all future updates and expansions are free. It's up to you to decide which model suits you better.

Winner: It's a tie.

Player Count

EVE Online has been around for longer than Elite Dangerous, and it has a larger player base. As of May 2021, EVE Online has around 30,000 players online at any given time, while Elite Dangerous has around 20,000 players. While both games have a healthy player count, EVE Online has the advantage in this category.

Winner: EVE Online

Final Verdict

So, which game is better? It's a tough question, as both EVE Online and Elite Dangerous offer unique and engaging experiences. However, based on our comparison, we have to give the edge to Elite Dangerous. While EVE Online has a more focused community and a larger player count, Elite Dangerous wins in gameplay, graphics and sound, and pricing model. But don't take our word for it - try both games out and see which one suits your playstyle and preferences.

We hope this comparison has helped you make an informed decision. Safe travels, and we'll see you in space!


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